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One month after almost killing herself, she is let out of the hospital. Since Susan can't afford to pay the private detective off, she writes Edie a note confessing everything and begging for forgiveness. United States Susan sarcastically thanks Edie for her discretion, but Edie points out that Susan really would do anything to get Mike to love her; she mocks Susan, wondering how things would be when Zach finally comes home. Curtis claims to just be doing his job, but Edie promises to be his worst nightmare if he crosses her. ("Like It Was"), Susan continues to try and jog Mike's memory, but he continues acting cold and distant to her. Edie points out that Bree is getting pretty intimate with a man that isn't her husband, and while Bree points out that everyone needs someone to talk to, Edie wonders why that someone can't be Rex. Les médecins sauvent Gloria mais disent à Orson que sa mère, bien que complètement paralysée physiquement, a toujours la même capacité mentale. Edie recalls her as being very strict, showing no mercy, so much so that when her mother made parole she was actually happy to see her. When Harvey begins talking to Carolyn, Edie reminds him of the officer's request, but her voice is picked up on the microphone, and Carolyn starts to think that Edie is another one of Harvey's whores. Dû au timing à respecter, le générique fut coupé. ("Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else"), Edie wants to buy Mary Alice Young's old house but Dave doesn't. Edie is also currently listing the Youngs' house, with Paul having decided to move from Wisteria Lane. In the process she also steals a box of chocolates and takes a peek underneath Mike's sheet, covering her nether-regions; she's impressed. Lynette tells Edie that that's okay since they don't trust her either. Lynette Scavo suggests that Edie wear Martha's dress, for she hasn't shown up. Dave then tells Edie that Karen could be going senile. Susan entre enfin dans la maison de Ian, qui est encore remplie des affaires de Jane. Elle prolongera même son séjour, ratant de ce fait le message que lui laisse Julie sur son portable : Mike est réveillé. While driving down the Lane. On le voit faire une chute impressionnante. However, he admits that he can't let them in for now, having stuff to do, and so they all part ways. She reveals having researched the dead guy and it turns out that no realtor in town knew who he was, meaning he lied to her. ("Everybody Says Don't"), Since Edie's death, Lee McDermott takes over handling the properties of Wisteria Lane, with his first job being to sell the Bolen family a home. Though she pretends to feel bad for Susan, wanting to know how she's doing, she is obviously more into the scandalous details, questioning if Susan had been pistol-whipped or slapped around. ("Connect! Edie tries to call Mike or Katherine. Cet épisode ressemble par de nombreux points à un season finale: le fil rouge de la saison est expliqué via des flashbacks (ici, le meurtre de Monique), et les personnages qui y sont impliqués ont des storylines très mouvementées (Bree, Orson, Alma, Gloria). ("Mother Said"), Having been shunned by her friends, and blackballed out of Wisteria Lane, Edie moves from the suburbs and continues her life elsewhere someways off. ("Color and Light"), A poker game is held, which Edie attends, but Lynette is going to have to leave early due to work. She returns, but Edie's chewing of popcorn gets in the way of the microphone picking up on what she's saying. Edie joins the girls' poker game later on where Bree reveals that Rex's body has finally been released by the police and that she'd like them to all come for a small reburial ceremony. La liaison entre Gabrielle et Bill se termine. Edie suggests they let nature run its course, but Susan fears the possibility of them having sex. She revels in how scandalous the party is becoming, following incidents regarding both Bree and Gabrielle, respectively. Edie tells the girls that the two of them are seeing each other, but this turns out to not be how Bill sees it when he later stops by to ask Susan out. Watch this horny video where a kinky girl is too desperate to get fucked by her cute dog, so she first seduces the Dog by offering her pussy to her. Tom invite Rick à manger avec lui pour lui demander s'il couche avec sa femme puis lui impose carrément de poser sa démission. Edie, however, thinks the area would work better as a strip mall, and reveals that she ran some numbers. As it turns out, Julie overloaded a circuit and Austin was just helping get the lights back on, but when Edie sends Austin back home, she asks that Julie stay away from him. Dave finally lets go and is more than shocked to see she is alive. Mike, dont la mémoire est revenue, sait qui était l'inconnu rencontré dans la cuisine de Monique. Last seen Edie gives Dave to the end of the day to pack up and move out as she is gonna file for divorce. Edie, a little confused, agrees to this. Tom décide que son véritable rêve se trouve dans la pizza, mais Lynette n'est pas particulièrement enchantée par l'idée. She reveals that she gave Victor the pictures which worries Carlos. Gaby and Edie make up. She knows that doesn't make her a good mother, but believes that it at least makes her a realistic one. Karl confronts Susan about this later on since Edie was really excited to perform with Julie, and Susan later sees how much Edie really cares about Julie when seeing Edie coach Julie in vocal exercises just before the performance in the church. When Orson didn't want to go back, Edie let him spend the night. She comments that the pizza is excellent and that the service is sublime, giving a nod to Austin. Though this makes things a bit awkward, Lynette wishes Edie luck; however, the conversation doesn't end there. ("We're Gonna Be All Right"), When Edie wishes to enjoy an old war movie on television, Karl comes in and switches the channel over to sports. At first she continues to lie, claiming to just be returning his key, but when talk of getting the police involved comes up, she finally admits that Susan forced her to. Susan is surprised that Karl feels this way about Edie, and he agrees to officially settle down with her once he and Susan re-divorce. To Pierce the Dark"), After everyone hears the crash, Susan Mayer, Mike Delfino, Katherine Mayfair, Gabrielle Solis, and Bree Hodge all rush out to see what happened. Later on, however, his body is later found in the trunk of his car outside of Betty's home. He comes to realize that all Edie did was feed him lies, and for that he is sorry for ever believing her. Edie's extremely grateful, though goes on to deny the coupon due to the fact that she doesn't eat pizza; however, Austin working for the Scavos begins causing a rift between Tom and Lynette. She makes sure to have a bullet said aside for Edie, but after killing Nora Huntington, Carolyn is defeated when having an argument with Lynette, allowing Art Shepard to knock the gun from her hand, Austin to tackle her from retrieving it, and Maya to kill her. Les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes : si la chute n'a pas entraîné de blessure, les radios ont révélé d'inquiétantes tâches dans le cerveau de Lynette. Susan gives in to this, and the two of them, as well as other Wisteria Lane residents, attend the funeral for Carlos Solis' mother. And they do. She also tells Susan that deep down she always believed Susan was going to get back together with her ex-husband, Karl, and so Julie swoops in by bringing up Edie's poor track record with men. Edie later attends Rex's funeral where Bree switches Rex's prep-school tie with Tom Scavo's, and then storms out. He insists that they're good friends and it's best they not ruin that, but Edie thinks otherwise, simply wanting to see where things could go between the two of them. Gloria tente d'assassiner Bree qui se repose à la maison. She tells Susan that this isn't a pleasant thing to say, but that whatever Susan did really helped, and so she is thankful for that. ("Now You Know"), When Carlos isn't around, Edie looks through his stuff and finds out about his off-shore bank account. Karl also tells Susan that he and Edie have decided to move in together, but when Susan asks if he's in love with her, Karl admits to not knowing. ("Every Day a Little Death"), Paul changes his mind about selling his house, thus meaning Edie is out a commission. Cheers are in order, and Tom gives a speech of his own that Edie listens to, noting how great it's all turned out. ("Anything You Can Do"), Edie confronts Martha over having $40 stolen from her purse, which results in a falling out between the two ladies. She tells Susan that whether she likes it or not, Julie really loves Austin, and Austin really loves Julie. Quand Susan se rend compte que Mike fait ses choix elle décide de faire les siens. When this fails, however, Edie reveals to Susan that Karl said she was the best sex he's ever had. Her point being made, she walks away. She confronts Edie about this later on, who thinks Bree and George are having an affair. Mort de deux personnages récurrents de ce début de saison. She explains to Lynette that Martha kicked her out so fast that she forgot to get her laptop, and there's just some stuff on there that she doesn't want anyone else to see. It doesn't take long for Susan to figure out how Julie obtained the pills, and she confronts Edie as she's giving Alma the last set of keys. Edie demands Susan retract this statement and believes her to be a liar. As such, Edie resumes dinner. ("Goodbye for Now"), Edie stops by to introduce herself to Wisteria Lane's newest residents: Betty Applewhite and her son, Matthew. This talk of child abandonment reminds Edie, however, of Susan's current predicament with her biological father. Lors du concours, une des filles de Gaby a gagné, mais elle apprend que Zach a soudoyé les juges. Après une séance shopping avec Vern, Gabrielle est aux prises avec un policier qui met des PV. Edie proceeds to leave, still needing to find a key, and that evening she has the police help her get in. La saison 3 diffère de la saison précédente par ses intrigues beaucoup plus retorses et sa reconcentration sur les personnages principaux. ("City on Fire"), After the fire, Edie becomes worried that Dave is becoming obsessed about this. Susan mopes about how she's sure Mike didn't kill Martha, suspecting someone like Paul to have instead. She proceeds to send Susan away, who conspires to get a confession out of Edie by wearing a wire. When Edie and the others arrive over for poker, wanting the dish on Betty, Bree tells them that there's been a change of plan, as Betty will now be joining them in their weekly game. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. C'est à ce moment-là que Susan, Lynette et Gabrielle découvrent avec stupeur que Bree n'a pas rapporté qu'un bracelet : elle est enceinte. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams has a new podcast, Porsha4Real, and it’s a behind the scenes look at her life that you won’t get anywhere else. After a few minutes, Susan announces she is moving in with Jackson Braddock to Riverton. When showing them 4352, he acknowledges Edie, and how his new job was once hers until her untimely death. S'étant absenté pour aller acheter un tuyau, il revient et découvre une personne dans la maison. ("Children and Art"), Edie helps Mike go through his bills, organizing them and figuring out what he can and can't afford. ("One Wonderful Day"), Construction on Edie's house continues all the while Bree begins making preparations for Rex's funeral. Edie goes to Orson's apartment to bitch about his soon to be ex-wife. This offends Edie, and so she throws him out. They're appalled by this, but it's too late to do anything about it. Dave isn't given a break though, for investigators are coming closer to making a breakthrough regarding the club fire, and he begins having hallucinations. They run back outside but lose the papers in the wind. For example, Ida Greenberg has stopped him at a street barbecue to discuss her concerns, Edie has stopped him at a cocktail party to discuss her concerns, holding her mouth open while explaining the problem, and even Carlos Solis has stopped him in the men's restroom to discuss his concerns. The Simpsons ' twenty-third season began airing on Fox on September 25, 2011, and ended May 20, 2012. Calling everyone's attention, she begins by congratulating Tom for his success, noting that most believed he couldn't do it (though that may have just been her). She does so, only to be condemned by Carlos, who she argues has no right to judge her because he doesn't have a kid of his own; however, Carlos argues if he did then he'd treat them a lot better than Edie treats hers. Edie locks herself into her house. ("Listen to the Rain on the Roof"), Edie is awoken by the sound of someone attempting to force their way inside of her house. Quelque temps après, Travers lui apprend qu'il a entendu Carlos dire qu'elle était mauvaise au lit. Dave tells Edie that she should go to bed because she is clearly drunk. Il va falloir faire des tests pour confirmer ou non le cancer. The latter proposal ends in Gaby's humiliation, with Edie appearing to be laughing in the background. Julie donne enfin à Austin son accord pour ce qu'il veut, par peur de le perdre. Steve went to prison and was killed by another inmate. He runs through the numerous requirements, such as Edie doing some research to find a really good one, and lending him money because the lawyer who takes his case will need a retainer. À la fin de l'épisode, Susan et Mike se retrouvent. Edie revels in Mike being upset with Susan, and stays behind to clean up everything. Wanting to introduce herself, she whips together a sausage Puttanesca, but finds that she'll be having competition when it comes to winning Mike's affections. Edie calls him out for saying they've not been happy, as she's been ecstatic, and eventually realizes that there's another woman. Meanwhile, Susan does get in touch with her birth father, Addison Prudy, but when his wife learns of her existence, she mistakes Susan for being Addison's mistress rather than his daughter. Pendant qu'Orson tombe du toit de l'hôpital, il se rappelle ce qui s'est produit la nuit où Monique est morte : Orson revient à la maison et trouve Monique dans une mare de sang, avec Gloria à côté d'elle avec la clé à mollette de Mike. Edie proceeds to share a piece of her past, how she had a strict social worker, and so Lynette takes this story into consideration with how she wants to handle her current dilemma. Edie catches her up, and Ida is shocked because she lives right behind him. She explains that ever since Julie broke up with him for cheating on her he's been depressed and mopey, and it's driving her crazy. Carlos enters the house and she lets go. It had become known throughout the neighborhood that this is something Orson had a specialty in, due to being a dentist, and so it has resulted in some rather awkward encounters. Il semble bien que l'amitié entre les deux femmes soit rompue définitivement. Edie stumbles upon papers revealing Danielle and Austin are Benjamin's real parents. Edie admits to rooting for Susan to win Mike over Kendra because that way it'd be easier to steal Mike away. She pulls out the stationary used for the note to Mary Alice, but it then comes up that Edie actually stole the stationary from Martha. Elle découvrira des photos d'enfants à moitié nus dans la cave de celui-ci, et une maison aménagée pour ravir les petits, Gabrielle veut redevenir mannequin à New-York mais va très vite apprendre qu'il est trop tard pour cela car elle a tout abandonné il y a des années pour Carlos. On aperçoit ses jambes se balancer au-dessus du sol. As Bree begins to spoon-feed her friend, however, she notices the certain snarky looks Edie is giving her, realizing how odd this behavior can be perceived. Susan is surprised, given what just happened between her and Karl, and Edie also returns the picture that Karl kept of him and Susan. She states that she heard Susan's birthday is coming up and suggests they all go out and celebrate. Edie goes to her crawl space but Gaby refuses to get in with her. ("Nice Is Different Than Good"), When separating from her husband of ten years, Doug Perry, Renee stays with her college friend Lynette for a while and ends up taking a liking to the suburbs. 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Season 1 1.3 Season 2 1.4 Season 3 1.5 Season 4 1.6 Time Jump 1.7 Season 5 1.8 Post-Death 1.8.1 Season 5 1.8.2 Season 6 1.8.3 Season 7 2 Trivia 3 Gallery Edie led a bit of a troubled childhood, such as spending her teenage years with the … Karl decides to see fit to leave, whereas Edie just revels in the scene that has been created. Pendant ce temps, c'est jour d'ouverture à la pizzeria, mais Lynette a toujours des problèmes d'autorité avec Tom. Though reluctant, the women agree, and set out on a roadtrip to the boy's school. The mother and son act suspiciously, however, not wanting Edie to go inside of their house. Susan states that she just knows the Applewhites have something to do with the dead body, and Bree wonders if they even know who he is. Mostly lesbian yuri action and netori. Aucun des deux n'a réellement apprécié la nuit passée ensemble. Cette précipitation est due à la grossesse de Marcia Cross. ("I Know Things Now"), As the neighborhood helps Susan pick up after the burning of her house, Edie watches from afar where Susan quickly comes to realize that it was she who set fire to her home. Susan decides to go to the police about this, but Edie points out there there are no witnesses to her confession, meaning there's no evidence. L'avocat de Mike, proposé par Ian, propose de faire 10 ans de prison plutôt que la perpétuité, mais cela ne convient pas à Susan qui ne manque pas de le dire à Ian. Manner of death Edie starts calling travel agents. This disappoints Susan, who still wanted to perform with Julie, but she allows "Aunt" Edie to go on stage. Alexandra Cunningham et Susan Nirah Jaffee. They share a bottle of wine and discuss what happened, eventually sleeping together. Susan est déterminée à faire retrouver la mémoire à Mike et réalise que Edie s'est présentée comme sa petite-amie à son réveil. Unbeknownst to Edie, however, that isn't the only reason. She goes on to explain that when she and Charles split, she gave him sole custody in order for Travers to have the best life possible; she doesn't believe that makes her a good mother, but at the very least a realistic one. Dave, however, has yet to move on from the death of his first wife and daughter, something he keeps secret from Edie; but when learning she once lived on the same street as Mike Delfino, the man who he believed was responsible for their passings, he decides to use this to his advantage. While doing so, she remains oblivious to the gun, maps, pictures of the street residents, and stash of money that Mike has hidden. Folks too poor to afford the real thing brewed hot beverages from herbs, flowers, bark, roots, and woody stems. Susan blames Austin for corrupting her daughter, but Edie points out that Julie has discovered sex and Susan better get good with it otherwise she risks losing Julie forever. Finally, Karl offers to marry Susan because his own health care plan is great, but they decide to keep it from Edie, thinking that she would never approve. This means canceling her date with Mike and having Edie go to the movies with him instead. They come to learn she has a husband, and when meeting him and seeing how he's managed to start getting Edie to be a nicer person, they all take a liking to him. Travers mind on the subject does end up changing, but he tells the women to keep Edie's ashes, for she was closer to them, and they can most likely find the best resting place for her. Ils finissent par passer la nuit ensemble, mais en plein milieu de leurs ébats John reçoit un coup de fil : sa fiancée arrive dans quelques instants. Susan then goes after the mailman and goes through great lengths to steal the letter back, only for Julie to return it, thinking their mail had been mixed up. The two share drinks with Edie being unaware of Shaw's true intentions with her. After she kicks the chair over, she holds onto the scarf. Edie then joins the girls where they discuss how happy they are for how well Susan is doing. At Bree's baby shower, Edie recognizes the smell on Victor. Austin and Julie later approach Edie about getting Julie the birth control pill, as they intend to have sex but would like to be responsible about it. Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery–thriller television series loosely based on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard.The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family and ended its seven season run on June 27, 2017. Il revit la nuit où Monique Polier est morte. À ce moment-là, le médecin rentre. ("Dress Big"), Edie's suicide attempt was actually a fake. Orson renvoie Mike chez lui en prenant bien soin de rendre la clé. 92 ("Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know"), Edie is soon cremated, and Dave calls over Susan, Lynette, Bree, Gaby and Mrs. McCluskey, asking that they deliver her ashes to her son, Travers, for he has never met his new stepfather. By the time Carlos gets upstairs, she is already hanging there unconscious. Le lendemain, Tom les sort de là mais ne digère pas le fait que Lynette était enfermée avec Rick toute la nuit. Later on, Edie decides to ride the mechanical bull which pretty much exposes Susan, though Edie had run into Mike and admitted what they were doing earlier. All the attention is then turned to Susan which makes Edie upset. Episode count Andrew dit à Orson qu'il le soupçonne d'être responsable de la chute de sa mère, car il l'a entendu lui demander la veille de tout dire à la police. Edie led a bit of a troubled childhood, such as spending her teenage years with the "freaks" out by the loading docks where she would smoke ("Every Day a Little Death"), and having a mother who did some time in jail. Also known as Edie and the hospital orderlies find Mike and prepare to return him to the hospital. Both Orson and Gloria support the house, the latter deciding that she wants to see the rest, but Bree refuses to let her move out on her own when Gloria slips on a loose tile. Bree thinks Edie might start an affair with him because she did with Karl Mayer, Mike Delfino, and Carlos Solis. Edie is among the many to laugh when Lynette quips that should one ever wish to test their marriage then to open up a restaurant together; she adds for them to all eat a lot and come back because their kids need braces. Picking up Edie's panties, she throws them behind her, which then accidentally knocks over a candle, lighting the house ablaze. Gabrielle décide de s'accorder un petit weekend dans un spa pour oublier son divorce imminent. Mais ce ventre rond a en réalité plus de choses à raconter : Bree simule une grossesse pour faire croire que l'enfant de sa fille Danielle est le sien. Les actions entreprises par Lynette pour obliger son voisin soupçonné de pédophilie à quitter Wisteria Lane finissent par faire des victimes. ("Crime Doesn't Pay"), Edie goes to a local newspaper to dig information on Dave and his family. Edie blackmails Carlos to become enaged to her. Edie and Susan also finally end their long time rivalry. When Edie and Orson get drunk, they share a drunken kiss which Bree see's while looking in the window. She also recalls how Betty bought the house sight-on-scene, and Gaby remembers they moved in during the night. Sitting in the sixth row, center aisle, she is spotted by the motivational speaker who is instantly taken by her beauty, and so afterwards he bumps into her and asks her on a date. Edie later stops by the hospital, having learned that Susan left the CD player for Mike, and she goes to retrieve it. She waits for the right minute for when Carlos returns to get his things. Susan becomes depressed thinking this is Mike, and plans to stop by Edie's place with her measuring cup for sugar to interrupt. When Dave gets home, he finds Edie sitting on the staircase drunk. Bree essaye de faire rompre Danielle avec son professeur d'Histoire qui sont ensemble depuis longtemps. La vie des protagonistes n'a pas connu de changements majeurs durant cette période. She also confronts Gaby saying that she needs to treat him better now that he's blind. Susan arrives shortly after wanting to ask Mike out, but due to Edie's intimidation, she claims to have a clog instead. Susan quant à elle supplie Carlos de lui dire où est Mike. First he sees Dr. Samuel Heller, who tells Dave he won't get away with it; then he sees Paige and Lila, the latter of which tells her widower that soon they will be together, so he shouldn't care about being caught; lastly he sees Edie, who tells him he should just get it over with. ("Come Back to Me"), Edie meets and greets Martha's sister, Felicia Tilman, who has just arrived on Wisteria Lane. Mais à l'aéroport Bree voit à la télévision un reportage sur les SDF et tombe sur le témoignage de son fils Andrew, qui raconte comment sa mère alcoolique l'a abandonné. She takes notice of the two's mannerisms, giving Bree a wave as they come to acknowledge that they're both there. Susan explains herself to Edie, how she's helping Mike find Zach so that they can all rest easy at night, but Edie doesn't think Mike would allow Susan to put his own son in jail. ("Next"), Susan spots her ex-husband, Karl, exiting Edie's recently completed home, fetching the newspaper. She smashes the crabcake she had in her hand. However, Orson runs in front of her and she swerves to miss him. Le lendemain, Gabrielle s'étonne de n'entendre aucun message sur son répondeur de la part de Victor. He says that the end of a fairy tale is death. Susan states that the police are withholding details, and so Gaby suggests Bree call in a favor with her detective friend and have him poke around, something that Susan agrees with. Elle fait tout pour rendre jaloux Victor : cela réussit et fait presque perdre le débat à ce dernier. À la fin de l'épisode, Karen McCluskey ouvre son congélateur pour prendre une glace et c'est alors qu'au fond gît le cadavre de son mari congelé. She then recalls having some of Betty's mail in the kitchen and so she goes off to retrieve it, telling Betty to feel free to snoop around while she waits; however, Betty notices on the TV that an arrest has been made in the Melanie Foster murder. Edie and Gaby start to get along and forgive one another. Susan rêve d'un mariage idéal, mais Mike lui fait comprendre qu'il n'a pas les moyens. Edie also shows the home to a homosexual couple who have some reservations about the house given stories they've heard; however, Edie claims that they're all vicious rumors.
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